Get Involved

Help us advance social justice and facilitate a more equitable world.
There are so many ways to support Doctors for Global Health! We welcome the support of individuals, organizations, and corporations who share our goals and beliefs.
- Financial support through tax-deductible donations helps keep our projects going.
- Volunteer either at home or abroad.
- Become a member! There are two levels of membership: DGH member and DGH voting member. Read these guidelines and affirm your agreement with DGH’s mission. Then, go to our Become a Member page and select the appropriate application.
- Consider joining a DGH Action Team.
- Stay connected – join our mailing list to receive DGH’s newsletter and/or e-mail news updates.
- Run a small fundraiser in your area.
- Spread the word about DGH! Follow and like us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn, or download a DGH flier in PDF format to print and distribute (Spanish version).
- Buy DGH shirts, buttons, and more at the DGH Online Store. The profits go to further our mission.
- Make your online purchases in a way that earns a referral fee for DGH.