Table of Contents
History of DGH In the Community

DGH works alongside and in partnership with Comunidades Campesinas en Camino (CCC- Rural Communities in Cooperation). Founded in 1994, CCC is a rural agricultural worker collective with thousands of local organic farmers. These include mainly indigenous men, and women of Zapotec, Chontal, Mixtec, Ikoot, Chinantec, and Zoque ancestry. The mission of CCC is to support organic farmers in an alternative socio-economic model guided by solidarity, community participation, advancement of human rights, and respect for the environment and local cultures. Values of respect and recognition of the rights of the poor are held in the highest regard.
DGH has worked with CCC to integrate health and well-being themes into the company’s existing agricultural work. This work is intended to meet the physical and mental health needs of agricultural workers and their families. Through education, health promotion, and participatory community health efforts, the project addresses health in the broadest sense – from individual and family well-being to the social factors that impact the health of communities.
Current DGH Projects
Community Health in Oaxaca
In the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, Doctors for Global Health works in partnership with Comunidades Campesinas en Camino (CCC- Rural Communities in Cooperation). Our work in community health and well-being aims to meet the physical and mental health needs of agricultural workers and their families. Through education and health promotion, we address health in the broadest sense — from individual and family well-being to the social factors that impact the health of communities. Traditional and integrative therapies are emphasized, as well as nutrition and mental well-being.
Under the guiding leadership and vision of Dr. Irma Cruz Nava, one of DGH’s founding members, CCC supports community health projects with the following aims:
- Build community health autonomy
- Enrich and support health promoter training and sharing of cultural knowledge
- Address individual, social, and economic factors that affect health
- First aid and basic health education
- Build knowledge and promote the use of traditional medicinal plants for health and healing
- Assist in cultivating medicinal gardens in local communities
Opportunities to Make a Difference
We are looking forward to connecting dedicated people eager to help with our partners!
Future volunteer needs:
DGH provides many opportunities for volunteers to choose from. We prefer volunteers who can commit to 3 months (exceptions for specific project expertise) and are fluent in Spanish.
- Volunteers with experience in public health and community project work
- Volunteers with experience training community health workers (promotoras)
- Volunteers with nutrition experience to work with and educate community health promoters
- Integrative practitioners with experience in acupuncture, massage, Reiki, herbal medicine, etc.
- Volunteers with experience in agriculture, organic farming, and/or permaculture
- Volunteers with experience cultivating herbal medicines, or constructing therapeutic medicinal gardens
- Volunteers with experience in community planning, grant writing, and fundraising (can potentially be done remotely)
Current material needs:
- Material support for community first aid kits (gauze, cotton, sterile and non-sterile gloves, etc), wood lamps, yoga mats, dental supplies, diabetic supplies, acupuncture needles, and supplies.
- Functional computers for teaching purposes
Recommended Reading:
- Teaching Rebellion: Stories from the Grassroots Rebellion in Oaxaca, Diana Denham, CASA Collective
- Zapotec Renaissance, Howard Campbell
- No Word for Welcome: The Mexican Village Faces the Global Economy, Wendy Call.