About Us

Doctors for Global Health (DGH) is a private, not-for-profit organization promoting health, education, art, and other human rights throughout the world. Our principles of action outline the basics of our organization’s values.  

The DGH Mission:”To improve health and foster other human rights with those most in need by accompanying communities, while educating and inspiring others to action.”

DGH was founded in 1995 by volunteers who were accompanying the communities of war-torn Morazán province in north-eastern El Salvador in their struggle to implement primary health care and public health services. From seeds planted by those few committed volunteers, DGH has grown into a thriving international movement for health and human rights. DGH is now comprised of hundreds of health professionals, students, educators, artists, attorneys, engineers, retirees, and others. Together, we build long-term relationships between people and communities around the world to find effective solutions to social justice issues. 

You can download and read the DGH 1995-2005 Retrospective (PDF) for insight into the principles of action that make DGH unique and examples of how DGH put those principles into action during its first 10 years of accompaniment of communities around the world.

You can also watch this 10-minute video, which gives an overview of how it all began in El Salvador.

Watch other videos about DGH projects here.

Read more about our history by visiting our mission statement page.

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